hack the team

Fun for the teammates …if they leave without locking 🙂 alias git=’echo “fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly” && git’ alias ls=’echo “write error: Broken pipe” && ls’ echo ‘echo “go home please!!!” && exit’ >> ~/.bashrc OSX specific alias git=’say “git igitigitigittttt” && git’ alias cd=’Open “http://www.cpd-india.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hacked.jpg” && cd’ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles …


A side project from me and a teammate is around the beautiful raspberry. We are mainly developing a setup and deploy tool based on pythons fabric which is for os image handling and service deployment like web-io-pi, music-player-daemon, accesspoint setup, network handling and our second project. from piservices import PiService class MusicPlayerDaemonService(PiService): name = ‘pimpd’ …


Entstanden im Algorithmenkurs github Ziel: Laufzeitvergleich(O-Notation) verschiedener Algorithmen zur Bestimmung von Fibonaccifolgen. Testbedingungen: Es wird einmal der Fall einer Einzelberechnung betrachtet, und vor allem für die um Cashing erweiterten Algorithmen mehrfache Berechnung. Algorithmen: FibonacciFormel f(n)=O(1) FibonacciIterativ f(n)=O(n) FibonacciIterativCashed f(n)=O(n)     *für eine Berechnung FibonacciRekursiv f(n)=O(1.62^n) FibonacciRekursivCashed f(n)=O(n)     *für eine Berechnung #TODO FibonacciMatrix Ergebnis: Was man erwartet, …

Yet another UnixTemstamp

<br /> MTimeStamp_Index_Controller.php *mit M_FrameWork umgesetzt | standalone class MTimeStamp_Index_Controller extends M_Controller_Modul { const TARGET_ID_ACTUAL = ‘actualStamp’; const TARGET_ID_OLD = ‘oldStamps’; const MAX_OLD_ENTRIES = 20; public function initAction() { if(M_Controller_Front::getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) M_Controller_Front::setResponse(new M_Response_Adapter_Data()); else M_Controller_Front::setResponse(new M_Response_Adapter_Applet()); M_Date_Helper::loadAdoDb(); $session = M_Session::getInstance(‘dateselector’); if(!isset($session->oldStamps)) { $session->oldStamps = new M_Factory_Data(); $session->lastTimestamp = new M_Date(time()); } } public function indexAction(M_Request_Interface $request,M_Response_Interface …